Catherine 1 (full
image 16K)
Catherine 2 (full
image 43K)
Catherine 3 (full
image 9K)
Jack Toner & Catherine Cleary (full image
Jim Toner (full
image 30K)
Fred Toner (left) (full image 20K)
Claire Toner (full image
Mary M. (later McCourt), Claire (Kilbride), John F. &
Christina (Quirke) Toner (full image
Mary M. Toner (full
image 82K)
Clarkes: Eileen & Eddie Beahan, Bridget & Joe Goss,
Catherine Lennan left, Fred Toner & Tom Clarke right
(full image
Maureen Toner (later Murphy) (full image 51K)
MacCourts: Fergal, Colm, Dolores (Kilmartin), Clare
(Molloy), Marie (Wall), Magda (MacDiarmid) (full image 20K)
Obviously most photos on all these pages were taken by others and have been kindly supplied, often at several removes, from the original taker. Should anyone have objections to their inclusion, any corrections to the description given, or further photos of the person in question, please contact me at either of the addresses on the index page of this site.
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