Since buying my first Triang OO trainset aged 12, and then, shortly after, inheriting my cousin's large collection of Hornby Dublo 3-rail rolling stock and track, with the incompatibilities that this brought, model railways have always been an abiding interest. For a few years I was editor of the Bulletin of the Model Railway Society of Ireland and a 2-rail OO layout was nearly built, but then, in 1973, I moved to Brussels. I took my son's arrival as an excuse to build him a HO layout in his room but, but he had little interest in an imposed hobby. In the late seventies, I acquired a Radio Shack Model 1 computer (with 4K of ram!) with the aim of controlling a railway but, aside from breadboarding the prototype of a three aspect colour light control system, little was achieved on the model front, apart from accumulating a large amount of Belgian outline rolling stock and, more recently, a number of Lenz decoders as well as the various controllers needed. Experience of more modern PCs in the office led to the acquisition of a Toshiba T2150 laptop for home (and, in June 1998, a 400MHz machine - but am still on the Win95 learning curve) , which, together with discovering the web, diverted attention from the main task - the model railway. The attic has, however, been cleared for the proposed Belgian outline layout, but I still have to actually construct the baseboard, lay the track, finish building the power supply, as well as installing the Lenz decoders.
Have managed to find a lot of material on the web on DCC. However, apart from the Lenz pages (see links) which help to compensate for my lack of German linguistic ability for the documentation received, most of the material I have found has been geared to the Marklin system.
I would therefore appreciate feedback from any Lenz users out there, in particular on the rough current draw of engines from the following Belgian outline locomotives, since, as well as the chunkier decoders, I have several LE100 decoders and would hate to see these go up in smoke.
Company | Wheel type | Number | Model Maker | Catalogue no. | Other comments | Amps drawn |
SNCB | CC | 1805 | Lima | 208121L | none | ? |
SNCB | CC | 2018 | Roco | 43670 | none | ? |
SNCB | BB | 2736 | Lima | 208023L | none | ? |
SNCB | BB | 2911 | Roco | 4192A | none | ? |
SNCB | CC | old 52 | Fleischmann | 43670 | metal body | ? |
SNCB | BB | 5924 | Roco | 4152 | none | ? |
SNCB | BB | 5941 | Roco | 43452 | none | ? |
SNCB | BB | 6299 | Roco | 43591 | none | ? |
SNCB | C | 8001 | Roco | 43626 | none | ? |
SNCB | C | 8062 | Roco | 43625 | none | ? |
SNCB | BB | 6038 | Klein | 0601 | 2 motors | ? |
SNCB | emu | 826 | Lima | 9747P | none | ? |
SBB-CFF | emu | TEE | Lima | 9812 | none | ? |
Also I would be glad of any information on the exact wiring for the dual motored KLEIN.
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