Probably Patrick Casey & Ruth (née Kennedy) +
Nicholas, Robert or William (full image 58K)
Ruth (née Kennedy) gravestone Keokuk (full image 105K)
Nicholas Casey & Bridget (née Conlan) + Susan
(full image
William Casey & sons (full image 25K)
Dora, May & Patricia Casey (full image 62K)
Charles and May on left with probably William Grice
(brother) on the right (full image 88K)
Mary Anne (May) Grice (née Casey) (full image 121K)
House at 2nd and Carroll (c. 1920). Keokuk. Children
thought to be Richard, Alice and Art being carried.
In the shadows probably Ruth, Trixie and May. View of
Missisipi river from porch. (full image 208K)
Patricia (Trixie) - photographer Roe McMahon, Grafton St.,
Dublin (full image
Patricia & Thomas gravestone Keokuk (full image 100K)
May, Charles and younger daughters (circa 1935) (full image 126K)
May and Charles (full image 165K)
May & Charles gravestone Keokuk (full image 105K)
May inscription (with rosary) Keokuk (full image 77K) and
Charles inscription (with mason symbol) Keokuk (full image 69K)
St. Peters, All Saints R.C. Church, Keokuk (full image 24K)
Patrick Charles Casey with son, Nicholas T. (full image 14K)
Mary J. Casey (full image 23K)
Nicholas Jnr., Margaret, Mary J. & Colette Casey
(full image
Nicholas Jnr. & Mary J. Casey (full image 9K)
Susan & Mary J. in Irish post-revolutionary garb
(full image
Mary J. Lennan (née Casey) (full image 8K)
Mary Eveleen Casey (daughter of Robert) (full image
Robert Casey & Mary Elizabeth (née O'Neill)
(full image
William's three sons: Patrick J., William J. & Francis
G. Casey (full
image 87K)
Obviously most photos on all these pages were taken by others and have been kindly supplied, often at several removes, from the original taker. Should anyone have objections to their inclusion, any corrections to the description given, or further photos of the person in question, please contact me at either of the addresses on the index page of this site.
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