These web pages, into their twenty seventh year in September 2022, are mainly on Irish railway memorabilia (for transatlantic visitors - railroadiana), with information on the market for brass, enamel and cast iron signs (updated most months), gradually expanding to other items, grouped under:
DNGR gate notice. Source: TRA719
Limited information is also given on UK, Belgian and French railwayana, together with some resources for Irish luggage labels and tickets. Other interests covered are model railways (model railroads) and DCC Lenz system. Sometimes the Miscellanea page seeks input on unusual material, but nothing of late.
are also provided but not always
checked as often as I would like. If lost,click on the 'Site Map'
icon at the end of each page
for navigation choices. Various photos of Irish
railwayana (gradually relegated from page 2) complete the
pages. This is just a sampler for the much fuller information on the
second general site. It went on line
on 27/7/97 (originally on geocities) and treats most Irish railway
companies separately.
A more detailed Irish railwayana site, which went on line on 27/7/97 (originally on geocities - but as of August 2004 that version was gone), treats most Irish railway companies separately. It has short potted histories of companies and illustrations of 1171 (at last count in November 2007, but increasing by the year) Irish signs etc. Some company pages are fuller than others. It is advisable, if working on a slow connection, to check on the index page (where the size of text and graphics files are indicated) for the extent of the graphics download. A third site, dealing with genealogy, principally the Dublin Lenn*ns, has now been up and running since 1999 on rootsweb (a mirror image is on this server together with more recent photo pages).
Quite a bit of work
has been done getting old data in. There was a big gap in photos of
auction items between early 2020 and October November. They have mostly
been found. The latest page now covers
2022- and the earlier data is on 2020-21.
. But pictures are gradually being inserted from October 2021
to date. The next job is to update the data by company on this site.
The site has been off line since last summer. The problem is the separation of the domain name (due to me being 2 days late paying the update fees) from the firm hosting the data. It can now be found here temporarily., but probably a long temporary period!
Apologies for the limited expertise in html, poor photographic skill and grossly inadequate standardization of images. Credits for the early auction data goes to the Railway Collectors' Journal (RCJ). The monthly Railway Antiques Gazette (RAG), with much of interest to collectors, was published since September 2003, but the last issue was for August 2018. GCR, GWR, GNR, TRA and UKrailwayana are probably the main auction houses for now online. Onslows specialises in posters. But many houses have come and gone over the period covered. Abbreviations used in auction results are BIT & BT - Bitton, BLO - Bloomfield (Belfast), BON - Bonhams, BRI - Bristol, BRK - Brookside, CAL - Callanish, CHF - Cheffin's, CHO - Chorley, CHR - Christies, CRW - Special SRA/BRA Sale, CRE- Crewe, DRE - Dreweatts, Bristol, GCA/GCR - Great Central (Railwayana) Auctions, GIL - Gilding's, Market Harborough, GLO - Gloucester Railwayana GNR - Great Northern Railwayana Auction, GRA - Gloucester Railwayana Auctions, GWR - Gloucester Worcestershire Railwayana, KID - George Kidner, Pennington, KFR - Knight, Frank & Rutley, KRA or ORA - Kiddlington (Oxford) or Kidlington Railwayana Auctions, JAC -Justa clickago Auctions, LO - Loughborough, MHR - Mid-Hants Railwayana, MEA - Mealys, MCA - Midland Counties Auctions, MKA - Matlock (Midland), MRA - Midland Railway Auctions, MTN - Malton (Cundall's), ONS - Onslows, PPC - Paperchase, PHI - Phillips of Solihull, PRO - Prorail, PTA - Paddington Ticket Auctions, PUR -Purcell's, Birr, Co. Offaly. RCA - Railway Collector's Newsletter Auction, RNT -, RPA - Railway Preservation,Keynsham, RAUK - Railwayana Auctions UK, RRA - Railway Relics Co., RSL- Railwayana Sales Ltd., RUG - Vectis/Potter, Rugby, SHM - Smith, Hodginson & McGinty, SOL - Solent, SOM - Somerset Railwayana Auctions, SOT - Sothebys, STA - Stafford, STD - 'Stop the drop' Auction, STK - Stoke, STL - Southall, STN - Stoneleigh, THR - Thirsk Railwayana Auction, TRA - Talisman Railwayana Auctions, VEC - Vectis, WHY - Whytes (Dublin), WT - Watford (Cundall's). More generally in these pages, TT are timetables and Adv refers to items advertised for sale in the named publication, up to recently in the Railway Collector's Journal. Where Froggatt (Railway buttons, badges and uniforms, 1986) references for buttons are available, they are indicated with 'F.' plus number. Dates are always in month year format, i.e. 894=August 1994. Posters give indications of size where available (e.g. dr=double royal). Price abbreviations include £ns (not sold), £of (offers), £forx (for exchange), £of@ (offered at) and £wd (withdrawn). Publications covered include Trackdown (TCK) and Railway Collectors' Newsletter (RCN) - the predecessors of RCJ and RAG. Relevant information given in catalogues is reproduced, rather than being interpreted. Inches are, however, converted to centimeters or mm, but conversions from some sites where indeterminate fractions are inexact, since these fractions will be automatically converted as equal one half inch (not three quarters or a quarter inch).
Copyright ©: The material on this website is subject to copyright. Copyright in images, etc., where an external source is indicated, belongs to the original owners of that material. Where no external source is shown, permission is granted for use of material on this site for non-commercial purposes, on the basis of an acknowledgement of source.
Proceed to page 2, "The overall
market 2022- " for recent Irish railwayana results.
Alternatively, go to my
pages for company data
The Irish railwayana site is still unavailable. But a backup site is here
home to pages for company data
For genealogy, go to my Lennan
genealogy pages or their mirror on
this site